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“Everyday”: Four leadership decisions to maximize capacity

We took a little break over the summer but now we are back in the saddle and will be doing a blog ona weekly basis throughout the fall. There is a lot of excitement, expectation and momentum around the SLU offices. The summer has been rich with amazing students awakening to the reality of their own potential and capacity. With that in mind I would like to offer four daily decisions that can serve as a catalyst for maximizing the upcoming semester.

Most of the students I interact with have those moments where they become intoxicated with the lofty ideas of being used to do something significant for the glory of God. But, alas, the daily grind of homework, hectic schedules, and the endless supply of messages via social media smother the captivation and wonder of it all. It’s not that we don’t catch a glimpse of “what could be” or “what could be accomplished”, rather that vision gets lost on us much like a trophy that sits on a shelf and collects dust. So these decisions are for the stubborn few who refuse to be average and hypnotized by the white noise of a digital age. Implement these decisions and your productivity this fall will exponentially surpass the fall of 2012…


1. Do the hard things first

The leader doesnt procrastinate. In fact the leader believes procrastination to be a sin. By procrastination I mean putting off until tomorrow what I am responsible to accomplish today. Additionally we usually put off the hardest or most distasteful things. So make the leadership decision to reverse that trend in your life and do the hardest things first.

2. Read and file something

I remember years ago listening to Dr. John Maxwell do a Q&A with an audience at a conference. One man asked him, “How have you written so many books?” His response, “everyday I read something and everyday I file something.” The read and file something decision is one to make every day an opportunity to discover something worth remembering.

3. Let the sun hit your skin and feet hit the pavement

Ok maybe this one is only three to four days a week but you get the point. Go outside, let the sunlight hit your skin, exercise and escape the world as you presently experience it. I chose to run and most of the time get lost in my own head (no jokes please). In other words I use that time to think and meditate on the Word of God and some big projects I have coming up. Make this a priority in your time management and you will accomplish more, not less.

4. Do “and then some” so that you can accomplish moreobviously

It is a really elementary leadership principle that leaders are willing to do what others are unwilling to do. So every day make it your goal to do a little extra. Remember it usually isnt the most talented who are the most successful, rather it is those who work the hardest. This will mean that you have to choose not to do some tasks or activities so you can give more time to goals that are a priority.

By Brent Crowe

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